


La cuidad de Masuda, lugar donde se encuentra el parque Manyo, está localizada en la prefectura de Shimane, al suroeste de Kyushu (la isla principal de Japón). Llegué a la cuidad de Masuda en autobús desde Hiroshima, durante el  recorrido quedé fascinada con el hermoso paisaje en los alrededores del sendero, que en varias maneras me recordó a los parajes de mi tierra natal, donde también hay vastos bosques en medio de las montañas y las autopistas los atraviesan. Sin embargo, existe una gran diferencia entre el paisaje de las provincias del Estado de México y el de Shimane: el mar de Japón, de aguas tranquilas y claras, a no ser por el característico aroma del agua salada cualquiera diría que es un inmenso lago.
Además del bellísimo paisaje, la prefectura del Shimane es un lugar donde se pueden visitar importntes sitios históricos, también se pueden observar muestras de la cultura popular japonesa en cada instante y en los rincones más inóspitos, que dejan a uno con ganas de regresar, con ganas de conocer más de la provincia.
Manyo park is in Masuda city, which is located in Shimane prefecture at the Southwest of Kyuushuu (the main isle of Japan). I arrived to Masuda by bus from Hiroshima, during the trip I was amazed with the gorgeous landscape around the way, it reminds me the views of my village, where there are also mountains covered with deep forests. But the huge difference between the state of Mexico’s landscapes and the Shimane’s is the Japan’s Sea that is simply beautiful the water is really clear and calm as the water of a lake.In addion to the landscape, everyone could have the feeling of “I wanna come back to Shimane”. Since is a place with a lot of historic points and where one can appreciate the Japanese popular culture.


Personally, by living for a while in Shimane, I've noticed that this is one of the least known regions of Japan, which is, in my opinion, not enough for a region so that perfectly represents Japan, with its beautiful sea and pristine natural territory, full of green forest, actually the greenest forest I've ever seen. When I came here in Masuda by train, from other big cities such as Osaka and Tokyo, the green of the vegetation was even too much strong for my eyes. In this point of view, Masuda Koen is perfectly matching with the environment around it.
By entering in Shimane, people may suddenly feel like they just got in a Miyazaki movie, where you still might notice the ancient soul of Japan, which us volunteer also well noticed, thanks to the sightseeing trip we did with Mr Nomura or with our families. We visited lot of historical places such as the ancient Izumo and Tsuwano shrines, its museums but also  Shimane's history related museums. By travelling in Shimane, you might really notice a how Japanese traditions are still really present in this area.  

Dalla mia esperienza personale ho notato che la regione dello Shimane è una delle meno conosciute, a cui si rende meno giustizia del Giappone. Questa infatti rappresenta lo stato giapponese meglio di quello che ci si possa aspettare, con il suo mare, il suo terriotorio ancora incontaminato, pieno di foreste così verdi che nel momento in cui arrivai via treno, dopo aver pernottato per lungo tempo in grandi città, mi facero male gli occhi.
In questo senso, il parco Manyo Koen si sposa perfettamente con l'ambiente che lo circonda, immerso totalmente nella natura e nel verde.
Entrando nelle terre vicino a Masuda, ci si trova improvvisamente come in un film di Miyazaki, in cui si riesce a scorgere ancora l'anima Giapponese antica, che noi volontari stranieri abbiamo carpito appieno anche grazie alle visite ai luoghi storici e ai musei presenti nella zona: gli antichi santuari di Izumo e Tsuwano, i musei ad essi collegati, ma anche collegati alla storia della regione dello Shimane. Viaggiandoci, ci si rende conto di quanto questa area sia intrisa di antiche tradizioni giapponesi.


I stayed most of the time in Masuda, Shimane, working and staying with my host families. Masuda is a really beautiful place, with beautiful sea, mountain, and river. Every day on my way to Manyo park I can see the sun rising on the sea.
However, I have been to many others places too. We went to an aquarium in Hamada for work and Izumo for sightseeing. I also went to Misumi and Hagi with my host families.
Everywhere I went the scenery was breathtaking. We drove along the sea and the mountains. I was really surprising that it was very easy to travel around Shimane, thanks to the well-constructed highways. Though I hope it was more foreigner-friendly since most of the information is not in English. 
The other things I love about Shimane besides the scenery is its people. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming. They even introduced me to a Japanese Olympic player and asked for a photograph for me. When I visit Watanabe-san’s relative she even gave me a book which I really like.     
Now that I have spent time in Masuda, Shimane, I really want to live here even though I have been to other big cities of Japan.
Tôi hu như Masuda, Shimane, làm vic và vi gia đình bn x ca tôi. Masuda là mt nơi thc s đp, vi bin đp, núi và sông. Mi ngày trên đường đến công viên Manyo tôi có th nhìn thy mt tri mc trên bin.
Tuy nhiên, tôi cũng đã đến nhiu nơi khác. Chúng tôi đã đi đến thy cung Hamada cho công vic và tham quan Izumo. Tôi cũng đã đi đến Misumi và Hagi vi gia đình bn x ca tôi.
khp mi nơi tôi đã đi khung cnh tht ngon ngc. Chúng tôi lái xe dc theo bin và núi. Tôi tht s ngc nhiên khi nó rt d dàng đ đi du lch xung quanh Shimane, nh vào các đường cao tc được xây dng tt. Mc dù tôi hy vng nó thân thin vi người nước ngoài nhiu hơn vì hu hết các thông tin không có tiếng Anh.
Nhng điu khác tôi tình yêu v Shimane ngoài cnh quan là người dân. Mi người đu rt thân thin và chào đón. H thm chí còn gii thiu tôi vi mt tuyn th Olympic Nht Bn và xin ch ký cho tôi. Khi tôi đến thăm người quen ca Watanabe-san, bà y thm chí đã cho tôi mt cun sách mà tôi rt thích.
Bây gi tôi đã dành thi gian trong Masuda, Shimane, tôi thc s mun sng đây mc dù tôi đã đến các thành ph ln khác ca Nht Bn.


